
المعالجة الإعلامية لظاهرة الفساد الاقتصادي داخل المؤسسات الجزائرية. دراسة تحليلية لعينة من الجرائد الجزائرية.

Saw economic corruption in recent years, a large prevalent in most economic institutions in many Arab countries, where rampant crimes and increased the pace, and this is due to the lack of conventional measures to treat the problem of economic corruption of weakness and inability and lack of confidence in the criminal legislation and Arab and Islamic laws, and weak accountability and transparency mechanisms. This is what led to the spread of corruption in government and public business sector and the private sector circles, turning to customary behavior, and this is the greatest danger of corruption. Algeria is among the countries that has spread economic corruption-sized in recent years, and the manifestations of bribery, abuse of power for personal purposes, and the spread of the parallel economy, money laundering, smuggling and tax fraud ... etc. Despite stringent administrative and government actions to combat corruption adopted by Algeria to reduce them, but we believe these actions are not enough unless there is a clear intention to eradicate corruption from its roots. Corruption hinders economic development in different areas of life, it also hampers the equitable distribution operations to enter between citizens, becoming more and more a problem of unemployment and marginalization, and deteriorating morality and noble values and society are unable to reach the state of full operation and optimized. It is noticeable, in fact Algerian Living that means of communication and the media have a major role in the detection of the largest institutional corruption cases in Algeria, through its role of oversight of these institutions, and despite the many harassment of the press in Algeria when dealing with such issues, but they were able to which can only forum through which the Algerian public opinion be to know what is happening inside the Algerian economic institutions of corruption of various kinds and forms. Media coverage to the issues of economic corruption in Algerian society now has a major role in informing the Algerian public opinion that there are many parties stand in the face of development in the country and trying to block the path of construction and stabilization of the various categories of the Algerian peopl

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