
المساندة الاجتماعية وعلاقتها بالضغوط النفسية لدى عينة من النساءالمصابات بسرطان الثدي

Abstract : Relationship between Social Support and Psychological Stresses among a Sample Group of women with breast cancer The objective of the study to know the nature of the psychological pressures on a sample of women with breast cancer and is there a correlation statistically significant between social support and stress in a sample study ,and clarify the differences in stress compared with the level of social support for the study sample, the researcher used descriptive Method and measure both social support and stress, The Most Important Results : 1- The nature of the psychological pressures on a sample of the infected women with breast cancer as follows:: a- emotional stresses b- health-related stresses c- friend-related stresses d- family stresses f- child-related stresses g- husband-related and economic stresses - . 2- A negative significant correlation between social support and psychological stresses. in a sample of women with breast cancer. 3 There are differences in the level of stress compared to social support in a sample of women with breast cancer.

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