
المسؤولية الاجتماعية للمؤسسات الاقتصادية دراسة حالة المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة في الجزائر

The Social Responsibility of the most important related concepts directly to sustainable development, because of their importance in improving the living the community level a manner serves the economy and development and keeps the environment, which makes the concept of social responsibility dimensions economic and social environmental and technological,to be achieved through a establishment of economic institutionssocial activities towards of the staff working themand activities towards consumers and customers and the activities of the direction of society and other environmental direction ,produces advantages and benefits accrue to society as a whole and the environment, In Algeria, small and medium enterprises have become biggest contribution to the economic and social development, especially after the economic reforms economic reforms in the countries,except that in the area of social responsibility towards society and the environment remains weak and deficient, in spite of the attempt to interest some minor ones some work in this area, this requires re-examine its role and its support financially, materially and legally even embrace social responsibility.

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