
المد الصليبي في بلاد الريف وظهور الزوايا الدينية من خلال فصل من كتاب "الزوايا الدينية بالمغرب" لميشو بيلر

Based on the book “The religious oratory in Morocco”, 1923, which was written by Edouard Michaux-Bellaire, This article is about the crusader extension on Rif lands, and the arising of the religious oratory. The article represents the objectives of the crusades and the conflict that was between the Spanish and the Portuguese, two catholic countries, in order to gain the wealth of those coasts. In addition, the text also reflects the issues that the first of Alaoui’s line faced when he was seeking the reign. There is a very specific description in this article, concerning how this man, Moulay Rachid, finds himself in the eastern side of Morocco, in Kabila of Kabdana exactly, looking for financial and human sources in order to the take the lead, and get the reign. There is also a rectification of some given facts. At the final part of the article, there is a study about the arising of the religious oratory in the Rif lands: from where it starts, how it’s made, whom, among the Kabilas, who did support this arising, what was exactly its main role, and who did serve the religious oratory. These questions and others will be answered during the whole article. And there will be a self-approach between what was said, in the book, and some personal facts and conclusions

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