
القضاء والقضاة ببجاية أثناء القرن 7هـ/13م من خلال عنوان الدراية.

El Ghobrini was one of the judges in Bejaia, he gave us the Biographies of all the men whom worked as judges in this town since the period of conflict between Beni Ghania and Almohads in 581h/1185g to the end of the seventh century hidjri(13g), and in this paper I will write about the justice foundation in the seventh century and it’s role with the bejawi people and I will discuss why the judge of Bejaia took the name: judge of the community, and I will give the biographies of the judges whom practised in this function between 581h/1185g and 704h/1304g and their formation and place in the community and their role in the city and I will also show the relation between the scientific elite and the politics men whom are guiding the state, all of this from the book‘Unwan ed Diraya of Ghobrini.

تنزيل الملف

سيظهر تعليقك على هذه الصفحة بعد موافقة المشرف.
هذا النمودج ليس مخصص لبعث رسالة شخصية لأين كان بل فضاء للنقاش و تبادل الآراء في إحترام
الاسم و اللقب :
البريد الالكتروني : *
المدينة : *
البلد : *
المهنة :
الرسالة : *
(الحقول المتبوعة بـ * إجبارية)