
العوامل المؤثرة في الاختيار ألزواجي للفتاة الجامعية دراسة ميدانية على طالبات البكالوريوس في جامعة البلقاء التطبيقية

Factors affecting university female students selection mate A field study On a sample of Al Balqa B.A university female students This field study aims at explaining the factors beyond the university females selection mate, such as: cultural ,social ,and economical factors and their domains. The society of the study consisted of all (1182)female B.A students at Al Balqa university /Ajloun university college . A random sample representing the rate 20%of each field and study level, so the sample of the study was 240 female students. In gathering information, questionnaire has been developed including (47)items . In analyzing result frequencies and percentage have been calculated for identifier the properties of the population of the study. the means and standard deviation for identifying the affective factors have also been calculate In addition, the analyses of mono variation and post comparisons in shefaih way have used for identifying the resolution among some of the variation . The study showed that the university female students preference of her partner being of a strong character is one of the most important social factor that affected the choice of her partner, and that one of the most important cultural factor in choosing a partner is his being sociable dealing ensiling with others. The partner richness is also one of the most important factors of the previous ones. The study showed that there was differences in factors affecting the university female students of her partner choice contributed to : specialty , study level variables , while there were no differences contributed to family income variable. After discussing the results, the study came up with some recommendation.

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