
العلاقة بين التضخم و البطالة و النمو الاقتصادي في الجزائر باستخدام التكامل المشترك و نموذج تصحيح الخطأ

This research examines the relationship between unemployment, inflation and economic growth rates in Algeria during the period of 1991-2013, using the methodology of the Co-integration, causality test and ECM model. . The research found that the time series of inflation rate and unemployment rate and GDP are non-stationary, and to make them stationary the first differences are applied. Therefore, the time series are integrated of the first orders and using Johanson test, we found a co-integration between inflation and economic growth rates in Algeria, in addition to a causal relationship in one direction between them. After error correction model estimation, we found that the actual deviation from equilibrium between the two variables, is corrected by 32.41 each year.

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