
السياسة الرومانية في الجهة الشمالية الشرقية لموريطانيا القيصرية

The Roman civilization is considered to be the most important one that North Africa has known and it was famous for its Great achievements. Among regions that aimed to exploit it we find the territory Between Ampsaga and Serbétès region-that belongs to. Where the Romans divided Africa to many regions, so that i twill have its control on the situation there and it is the East North region of Cesarean Mauritania which is known for its geographical situation and it adopted another strategy to achieve its aims how over inhabitants remained against and this was from the 1st to the 3rd century where Rome had known a great development and prosperity in every domain so it was a period that it exploited to enlarge its territories. Due to this refuse and revolution from the inhabitant the Romans find themselves obliged to change their strategies in order to facilitate their invasion.

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