
الذات بين التقدير والاحترام عند جون رولز(j.rawls).

English Summary of the Study : Self Esteem andrespect for John Rawls This studydealt withthe theme of the self-esteem and respect according to JohnRawls, and showed that the basis of self- respect in a fair society is the publicly certain distribution of fundamental rights andfreedoms; andthat theself-esteemforRawlsisthe most valuablein social initial good works,because it is afeature that is characterized bycentralizationand fundamentality athuman beings. The study was dividedinto threesections; apreliminarysection that addresses the relationship between the concept of self-respectand appreciation, through threedemands: self-conceptand characteristics,self-appreciation, and the types ofself- appreciation (high self- appreciation, andlow self- high). In the first section,the study demonstrated the valueof the person forJohn Rawls; aswellastheperson's valueforImmanuel Kant. Thesecond sectiontitled:self-respectforJohn Rawls that was addressed through threesections. Inthe first section, the nature ofself-respect forJohnRawls was addressed. The second sectionshowedthe basics ofself-respectforRawlsand contributionin determining theprinciples governing the infra-structure of society.

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هذا النمودج ليس مخصص لبعث رسالة شخصية لأين كان بل فضاء للنقاش و تبادل الآراء في إحترام
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