
الجنس في لغتنا العربية: الجنس هذا الحاضر الغائب فينا

Sex in our Arab culture. This paper deals with the problematic of sex in the Arab culture, primarily through the analysis of the place of sex in the cultural and existential life of mankind. It is by sex that the reality of our existence is explained. Second, we discuss the abstraction of sex as object of damnation in our current Arab culture. In this we are going against the law of nature. Sex represents the beginning and end of all natural things. However, it is important to outline that our earlier Arabic civilization did not dodged sex. Indeed our forefathers were libertarians. They discussed this issue without any complex. It is the same in our Sharia. Contrary to the belief of many of our contemporaries, talking about sex in Islam is not a sin and is not liable to punishment. The problem of sex comes on top of the list of problems which troubles the Arab man in his present life. The history and the consciousness of the Arab man will stay paralyzed if he does not find a psychological and civilizational solution to this problem.

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