
التوجه المقاولاتي للطلبة الجامعين: اختبار نموذج Autio

This study aims to determine the factors affecting the entrepreneurial intention of the students by testing AUTIO model which is based on a model Davidsson 1995 in the building.And according to this model,according to this model, the entrepreneurial intention is determined by the conviction entrepreneurial and affected by the general attitudes, image of entrepreneurship, university environment, background. Where the study to the students of the Faculty of Economic Sciences and in the various fields of specialization and the level of master and bachelor, had been selected this sample because of the nature of the subject of the study. Entrepreneurship arise in the university community and specifically the students of the Faculty of Economic Sciences, commercial and management in view of the measures studied. And were getting a usable answer 152 and analysis, was studying through structural equations modeling and based on Amos program 23. The results showed that the general attitudes and specifically money is the most important factor effecting the entrepreneurial conviction and in turn affecting the entrepreneurial intention for students , While not of the University environnement , an image of entrepreneurship, family, and demographic factors had not had any impact.

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