
التطور العام لطبيعة التدخلات العسكرية المعاصرة: حالات للمقارنة

ملخص باللغة الإنجليزية: Military Interventions in the Arab World: Tracks and Implications Military intervention is considered as a very old policy in international relations. It can be said that the intervention is as old as the state and political entities in general. Over the course of centuries, it has taken many forms, including direct and explicit intervention, undeclared interference, by secret movements, and by proxy intervention by another ally, as what happened in many military conflicts during the Cold War. But for nearly 20 years, inter-state military interventions have witnessed a clear development in the nature of interventions and frameworks for intervention as well as the number of countries involved in intervention and the nature of military means in intervention, etc. In this context, the paper aims at monitoring the main features of contemporary military interventions, especially from the end of the Cold War to the recent intervention in Yemen and the role of an Arab-alliance coalition led by Saudi Arabia.

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