
التحولات نحو تطبيق الصيرفة الإسلامية وأثرها على توظيف الإستثمار (دراسة تطبيقية مقارنة على مصرف فيصل الإسلامي السوداني - مصرف دبي الإسلامي الإماراتي)

The study aimed to identify the shifts towards the application of Islamic banking and its impact on investment hiring, applied a comparative study on the bank Faisal Islamic Sudanese Dubai Islamic - United Arab Emirates. The problem with the study of how to find the relationship between banks and shifts towards Islamic banking and the process of hiring Islamic investments using formulas, but the premise of the study were: the following: 1- there is a relationship between banks and shifts towards Islamic banking and the process of hiring Islamic investments using formulas. The study many of the findings and recommendations, including: 1- The banking laws and regulations that facilitate and regulate and control and illustrate the transformation process and requirements of the legislation, will greatly affect the transformation of Islamic banking in all of Sudan and the United Arab Emirates. 2- The shift towards Islamic banking contribute effectively to the development of formats and methods of attracting money and run. Recommendations: 1 - need to reconsider all the financial, economic and banking systems to accommodate the transition process towards Islamic banking, and the establishment of Islamic banks and branches. 2- should focus on the media, conferences and seminars in both the Sudan and the United Arab Emirates for the definition of the shift towards Islamic economics and Islamic banking.

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