
التاريخ، الذاكرة والسياسة: سطو فرنسا على التاريخ

History, Memory and Policy: France’s assault on history. The case of Algeria (1830-2009). The statute of 2005 glorifying colonialism, urges us to rethink deeply the relation between history and memory from the French policies perspective. The reexamination of the history’s status and role in the crystallization of the colonial ideology and its projections on the dynamics of the political parties life in France, forces us, to come to the following conclusion: the policies of France are sustained by its colonial memory, moreover, it is not just that, as the fundamental question which is posed, is the problem of the right of previously colonized people to their national history. Aside the fact that, this legitimate right had been exposed to perversions and distortions of history during the occupation by the colonial school of history, it has presently become an object of outbidding and blackmailing between those battling for power in France with no due attention to those who carried the burden of history, that is the ex- colonized people whose history is witnessing an assault in the real sense of the term.

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