
الاستثمار في الطاقات المتجددة و دوره في تحقيق التنمية الاقتصادية في دول المغرب العربي

Currently the renewable energies considers as one of the most important alternatives that the countries depend upon to achieve the economic development, notably under the instability in the oil markets. Therefore, the countries (the industrial ones) are accelerating their efforts towards the development of technologies in this area and developing plans and strategies for the future to ensure control of the new energetic market. Despite the delay of the Maghreb countries to catching up, but after they get convinced the role that could be play by investment in renewable energies in advancing its economic development process. By possessing significant resources of this energy, particularly solar and wind energy. The Maghreb countries developed a set of plans and strategies to ensure the transition to the economies of renewable energy. We will try through this paper to highlight the potential of the Maghreb countries in renewable energies, and the role these energies can play in achieving the economic development, and highlighting the programs and strategies adopted to ensure the energy transformation.

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