
الاتصال الثقافي والتحولات المجتمعية في ظل العولمة..

AbSTRACT Were not culture and its impact away from the effect of globalization multidirectional Kalpad economic and manifestations of information, communication and social realities, other consumer, and to enable the fertile ground for the physical dimensions in the social life of the owner of that to take care of the knowledge and the cultural industry, to make the potential of this wave more effective and to enable its way temple and continuous, and so is the globalization of their goal to walk ways fragmentation for some privacy and disengagement between the elements and make some isolated and establish boundaries between them and the back, it was possible to impose the values of a modern more exciting and more attached to material consumption in order not to find the individual subject has a conflict between his behavior towards the direction of life and the culture that he gained after this opening and this process becomes a monster to its traditions of indigenous and his true character, and the most dangerous thing you do globalization through their media and media communication is to fight ideas and hit the belief and the dismantling of links discrimination, any break down the structure of privacy and activate ways circular produced by the symbols of liberal capitalism, which actively seek to invest in capital Cultural before the acquisition of the structure and Hawa good example so what happened to the colonies in the Third World in the sense refer to the argument Hegel to the effect that thought based social existence before it turns them Marx and makes them economic institution of society and which he asserted that the presence of social material that determines social consciousness.

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