
الإرث الحضاري العثماني: دراسة نقدية في مرجعيات السياسة الترآية

This is a critical analytical study of one of the most important legacies of Turkish political culture: inheritanceThe Ottoman civilization. This legacy, which formed a focal point of Turkish political thought during a constructive processThe Turkish state, underwent, during periods of time not spaced intoseveral critical intellectual processes, its frameworks and rule the concept of estrangementEpistemology. It is the Turkish policy based on the references of secular Kemalist thought based on separation with Islamic cultural heritage to Turkish politics based on the references of the Erdogan ideology represented in the party Justice and Development, which aims at reviving the Islamic cultural heritage and the rupture with secularism To identify the site of the Ottoman cultural heritage between the references of Turkish politics and the meaning of estrangement with heritage in thought Turkish politician.

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