
الأجناس الأدبية بقاء في صراع أم صراع من أجل البقاء

Too many controversies surround the question of interference between literary genres in prose in general and narratives in particular. This issue is among the most prevalent preoccupations in poetics in that classifying genres and determining the nature of the relationship between them has always opened ways to debate. Therefore, analyzing the question of the interconnection of literary genres has become of great necessity in contemporary literary theory. Literary genres provide texts with qualities at the level of description, interpretation and value allowing the researcher to categorize and analyze these texts via their generic characteristics. Indeed, learning about the principles of each genre will help us to take into account the aesthetic and textual development of texts as well as the evolution of the artistic history. In this research, we have chosen to focus on the novel in order to investigate its generic traits. This is because the novel is the genre that most witnesses interrelation and is entwined with other genres and because it is more open to other genres. It is crucial to mention that the novel has always been intertwined with manifold genres has not drawn definite rules and principles to itself.

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