
الآثار الثقافية والاجتماعية و النفسية لاستخدام الشباب الخليجيلشبكات التواصل الاجتماعي

Abstract: This study seeks to expose the cultural, social and psychological effects of the social networks upon the University Gulf youth, and gratifications resulting from such use. The researcher used the questionnaire tool upon an arbitrary specific sample of 300 persons of the university Gulf students at both the universities of Ajman and Sharjah, United Arab Emirates: 138 male and186femaleinvolved inFacebook, Instagram and Twitter.This studybelongs to theexplorative and descriptive studies that reliedon theMediasurvey method. The study results showedthatthe mostpositiveculturalimplications of thesocial networking sitesto identifyother culturesand increasevocabulary. Feeling of happiness when communicating with old friends; sharing others’ occasions and concerns is one of the social and psychological impacts. However, The majority –of the above mentioned sample - said that these social networking sites allowedthe facility of talks between theyoung peopleof both genderwithout theknowledge ofthe family, so it is considered as a negative consequenceof thesesites.The Satisfaction resulted from using networking sitesto getinformation about all the eventsand issuesin the communityand help tospendleisure time.

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