
استلهام الرموز الدينية في ديوان اللهب المقدس لمفدي زكريا

symbols in his poetry ; This inspiration emphasizes the religious Our aim in this study to look aside important in Poetry of Moufdi Zakaria , he side the Utilization of religious dimension to the poet , to the degree that it is difficult to isolate aspects influenced the poet language of the Koran and the events and facts of a religious nature on the language of poetry which presumably does not refer to the impact of religion or Koran , Moufdi language of poetry is saturated with these effects , both of which are attached next to the shape and composition , and attached next to the meaning and content .. So we want to be our treatment of this phenomenon important figures in Diwan " sacred flame " gateway address from which the extent of hiring poet for religious culture and Koranic particularly in the use of the religious symbol , and methods of use, and the contexts in which they are received those symbols , no doubt that these contexts can take we can input rating of those symbols according to their contexts and implications , which is certainly linked to the experience of poetry of the poet , and his doctrine of artistic and philosophical vision .

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