
استخدام طريقة تحليل القيمة في تصميم المنتجات الصناعية دراسة تطبيقية في شركة خنثر لصناعة مركبات السيارات

This study aims to achieve functional considerations in the design of industrial productsthrough value analysis studywhich is based on economic, scientific and marketing controls and measures the special needs of users and working to link them to cost in order to delete unnecessary cost and thus raise the value of the product.The study is based on a Khenteur enterprise case study that manufactures automotive components, where we came at the end of the analysis to the fact that the absence of value analysis methodology in this firm leaves a lot of negative consequences that are related mainly to the lack of specialists in marketing, lack of the necessary disciplines considering the team of work, and the method adopted by the Company in calculating the cost of the product.

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