
إشكالية ترجمة النص الفلسفي الكيرآجاردي

Soren) The philosophical literature on the classification of the Danish philosopher Soren Kirkgard1855-1813), in the field of existential canal, while the researcher (Kierkegaard), It is prudent to avoid such classifications as philosophers, especially KirkgardWho was against any classification tendency of his philosophy, perhaps some thinkers and philosophers have read his book. The central scientific nuggets and their expressions of existence, direct them to be considered GodfatherTrue of existential philosophy, it is true that it is an interpretive vision exercised by these philosophers and on their heads.Martin Heidegger, but it remains merely an interpretive exposition by Heidegger and other existential philosophers Inspired by his anthropological and existential tendencies, and perhaps more often than not.Translations of the Danish text, and exploring the true intent of Kirkgard's adoption of the word "existence" in Writing scientific nuggets, and in the Arab world, we find Abdul Rahman Badawi to draw on this form, in At a time when we do not know the translations of the latter to the Arab Sun set, and perhaps the deviations and turns. The dangerous exegesis of the Kerkgardi has made him an existential philosopher unintentionally In addition to the above, most of the researchers were ignorant of the Danish language and were satisfied with some Translations and especially French, German and English translations of them, is the truth of what we have come from The thought of this philosopher is a correct translation of what he wanted and intended the latter? , And do you read us The deep of his writings refer us to being the true godfather of so-called existential philosophy? , And do translations Conspiracy The thought of this philosopher has been equated with the right to reach us with his philosophy on the truth and why not His work has so far been controversial and controversial to many philosophers In particular? In this brief article, I will investigate some of the Kirkgardian works and a hidden statement Fairness in the right of the latter, and I will focus on the most important work analysis, interpretation and interpretation.

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