
أثر تمكين العاملين على الرضا الوظيفي دراسة ميدانية في مؤسسة مطاحن الواحات بتقرت - ولاية ورقلة

The study aims to reveal the effect of employees’ empowerment on functional satisfaction in mills Oasis firm in Touggourt ; as well as to identify the differences in the perception of the study sample about the empowerment of employees and the level of job satisfaction. This difference is attributed to sex, age, education, experience, functional position and social situation. After executing the analysis of questionnaire (40 paragraphs) for (84) employees; the study concluded that : There is a significant statistical impact of all empowerment variables (delegation of authority, personnel training, participation in decision-making, employees’ motivation) on functional satisfaction. However, employees are not satisfied about promotion, relationship with superiors, and about the salary. There are significant statistical differences in sample study views to empowerment and functional satisfaction level.

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