
أثر التقاويم الفلاحية في تطوير البستنة بالأندلس والمغرب خلال العصر الوسيط

The effect of agricultural calendars in the development of horticulture in Andalusia and Morocco during the Middle Age Agriculture represents bo the intellectually and practically one of the cultural pillars in bo the Andalusia and Morocco during the Middle Age. It has actually been built on strong foundations which measures the time in plowing and planting providing immense importance to the agricultural calendar in understanding the properties of horticulture. Additionally, those calendar have been divided into two classes: An epistemological calendar done by horticultural scholars and was recorded in books of agriculture and planting, and another popular calendar found in books and popular proverbial. Besides, the horticultural activity in Andalusia and Morocco has been structured around central principals such as proof, experimentation, criticism and correction. To put it in a nutshell, horticulture has influenced orchards and transformed them into agricultural scenes with both technical and aesthetic dimensions without neglecting the nutritional and medical importance of agricultural products.

تنزيل الملف

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(الحقول المتبوعة بـ * إجبارية)