
آثار أنماط القيادة الإدارية على الالتزام التنظيمي لدى أساتذة القطب الثاني بجامعة قاصدي مرباح ورقلة

The study aims to revealing the effects of leadership styles on organizational commitment in the University of Kasdi merbah Ouargla (second pole); in addition to investigating the significant statistical differences in the perspective of the study sample about organizational commitment level due to sex, age, scientific degree, experience and faculty. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher designes a questionnaire consisting of (31) paragraphs to gather the primary information from study sample. The statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) program is used to analyze and examine the hypotheses. The sample consists of (154) professor, and the study uses many statistical methods. After executing the analysis of hypotheses ; the study concludes that the leadership style in the university is the democratic style, , the degree of organizational commitment of professors is high, There is significant statistical impact of democratic and anarchic style on organizational commitment, There is no significant statistical impact of autocratic leadership on organizational commitment, there are no statistically significant differences in the perception of professors about organizational commitment level due to all demographic variables.

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