
Entp تقييم أداء سلسلة الإمداد في المؤسسات البترولية - دراسة حالة المؤسسة الوطنية للأشغال في الآبار

All societies aim constantly to improve their performance; but this cannt be achieved only through applying the operation of self-evaluations and comparing the goals with results. This is why performance evaluation is one of the successful policies in correcting and developing performance of society’s functions. This study aims to evaluate the performance of supply function in petroleum societies especially the supply chain due to its importance in achieving a successful work in these societies. The study uses a descriptive approach in evaluating the performance of supply chain performance in the sample of the study which is ENTP using the operational table of board. The results reveal that the percentage of a positive performance was 48.13 %, while the percentage of a negative performance of the supply chain in the ENTP was 51.87%.

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