
Pedagogic calendar and pedagogical treatment

1- Pedagogic Evaluation and Pedagogic Treatment:
The approach of competencies assessment is an integral part of the course of learning, especially the formative evaluation of it. Its main function is not only to determine success or failure, but also to support the effort of learning the pupils and guide the work of the teacher through pedagogy.
The calendar includes knowledge, endeavors, and behaviors. The evaluation requires the adoption of pedagogical differences, that is, the ability to recruit diverse teaching and learning methods that take into account the individual differences of students, and enable them to succeed in various ways, and perhaps the main reason for the existence of the assessment is to control and modify the learning and facilitate the progress of the student in his learning.
2. Pedagogy Treatment:
Pedagogic therapy is the path that enables the learner to overcome the difficulties encountered in learning. The pedagogical treatment is presented at several levels of the learning process diagram:
It is after a simple learning situation, where the learner's weaknesses are weak, or learning is weak in knowledge (this is a traditional approach).
After the learning mode of integration, showing the weakness of the learner in the recruitment of resources.
After solving the situation the problem of starting, where the learner shows a lack of use of resources.
At the end of the chapter, after the results of the quarterly progress assessment.
3 - Evaluation in the approach competencies:
The aim is to present the outcome of the development of the final competencies specified in the curriculum of the year or the stage on the one hand, and on the other hand, evaluate the course and strategy used to achieve the desired goal, and if we analyze it and interpret it in addition to considering the results as an end in themselves, On the one hand, and look forward to what can be achieved in these learning in the future.
4. Calendar by Criteria:
Cognitive resources.
Behaviors and values.
Proper use of article tools.
Internal harmony.
5. Calendar:
Is to increase efficiency.
6. Calendar types:
A tribal / personal assessment: aims to determine the level of students before their education to identify their abilities and tendencies.
Structural / constructional assessment: aims to provide the teacher with the extent to which the educational goals are achieved.
Final / Final Calendar: It aims to identify the results achieved.
7. Evaluation, Evaluation and Measurement:
Calendar: An educational process to obtain information and data and develop a remedial plan.
Evaluation: is to give the value thing, or make a judgment.
Measurement: is the estimate and number obtained by learners as a result of answering questions.
8. Self-assessment and types:
Oral Calendar: Many teachers use oral assessment as a means of evaluating their students.
Editorial Calendar: It includes open questions that leave the student free to organize his answer.
9. Calendar Topic:
Why are you studying? (Objectives)
What do you study?
How do you study? (Ways and means)
Education Result (Calendar)
The aim of the evaluation is to compensate for the shortage, to prevent mistakes, to correct the fault and to correct the course. We practice different teaching methods and a variety of methods.
10. Table showing the objectives of the calendar patterns:
Calendar type Calendar objectives Calendar requirements
Diagnostic Calendar Determine the level of pupils and the differences between them.
Determine the starting point of the lesson
Detecting attitudes and interactions.
Provide some solutions to address some of the shortcomings. Before the lesson (questions, assignments, achievements).
At the end of the lesson questions and activities.
In a course or educational unit.

Formative Calendar Identify the extent to which students are able to study, to discover difficulties and obstacles, and to adjust and correct the course.
Control the elements of the learning act. When moving from one job to another.
When moving from one goal to another.
Partial questions appropriate to procedural objectives.
Evaluation Calendar: Measuring the differences between the desired and achieved goals, measuring the relationship between the elements of the learning act, measuring the level of students and learning outcomes.
Open channels of communication between those concerned with training. At the end of an educational unit or course.
Synthetic questions appropriate to the general objectives of teaching.
11. Characteristics of educational evaluation:
Fit to the nature of learners.
Taking into account the individual differences between them.
Invest their abilities and tendencies.
It builds on cooperation among learners.
Taking into account ethical standards.
Depends on a variety of methods.
It is considered a means not an end.
In a comprehensive, organized and pragmatic manner, primarily for the various activities during the weeks of support and at various levels.

12- Evaluation areas:
Knowledge Assessment: The ability to remember, memorize, memorize, relate, construct, method, analyze, infer ... The assessment of the cognitive aspect of the students is to evaluate what they have learned from the knowledge, information, facts and concepts after their study of the course. To measure different levels such as understanding, application and analysis, and one of the most important methods used in the measurement of the cognitive aspect of oral and editorial tests.
 Skills assessment: Ability to (discrimination, classification, reasoning, communication, comparison, criticism, composition ...)
Evaluation of values: ability to (attention, interaction, conviction, representation, defense ...)
Evaluation areas include: assessment of educational objectives, curricula, teaching work, learners' progress and development, other aspects of the educational process and the extent to which the institution's outputs meet the needs of the community.
13. The importance of the calendar:
Evaluation is the most important element of the educational system, because it is important for decisions and procedures to develop the system.
If the evaluations are not highly accurate, professional and objective, their results are misleading and incorrect.
The evaluation is of great importance. It sheds light on the extent to which learners are able to learn the subjects of the subjects, the qualifications of teaching teachers, and the special illiteracy of parents to provide them with information on the degree of progress of their children to assist them.
As for curriculum developers, they know how to evaluate the effectiveness of educational programs

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