
نموذج مقترح لمشاركة العاملين في صنع القرارات كمتغير وسيط في العلاقة بين صوت العاملين والولاء التنظيمي ‏"دراسة تطبيقية على أعضاء هيئة التمريض بمستشفيات جامعة المنوفية"‏

The present study focused primarily on the identification of the impact of employees’ ‎participation in the decision-making, as an intermediate variable in the relationship between the ‎employees’ voice and their loyalty towards the hospitals under study. We have established a ‎sample of 292 members of the nursing unit working in the Menoufia University Hospitals. ‎Preliminary study data were collected through a questionnaire that was designed on the basis of a ‎number of customary measures, through stability and reliability test of those measures using ‎Cronbach's alpha coefficient of internal consistency and factor analysis that proved them all to be ‎stable and reliable. Questionnaire lists were distributed on the employees sample by conducting ‎short personal interviews during which they were asked to answer the questionnaire lists in a ‎convenient time to be later collected from them, knowing that the answer rate was 83%. The ‎collected data have been analyzed using multivariate analysis. The results of that study showed ‎that there is a positive correlation among all the variables of the study, a positive emotional ‎impact on the employees’ voice (for and against) on the employees’ loyalty towards their ‎organizations, the most influential employee voice on employees’ loyalty was the supporting ‎voice. In addition to the existence of a positive influence of the employees’ voice (for and ‎against) on the employees’ participation in the decision-making. Moreover, it was found that the ‎employees’ participation in decision-making has a significant positive impact on the employees’ ‎loyalty towards their organizations. The conclusions of that study showed that there is an indirect ‎positive impact of employee’s voice on their loyalty to their organizations when they are involved ‎in decision-making in that relationship. ‎

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