
نقد الصهيونية في كتابات المثقفين اليهود الفرنسيين

Criticizing Zionism in the writings of the French Jewish intellectuals. This paper was written in the midst of the campaign which followed the publication of a poem written by the German writer Günter Grass (Noble prize winner) in April 2012, in which he denounced his government's support to the policy pursued by Israel against Iran over the past years. This ad hoc European media event, confirmed once again, the status of "exceptionalism" of the state of Israel in international relations. Many intellectuals, especially Jews, attest today that this "exceptionalism" is one of the essential foundations of the Zionist ideology, whether at the time of the birth of Israel as a Jewish writer B. Lazarus (1894) has written, or after the Israeli state has made of ethnic cleansing a state policy. This is stipulated by certain works of the "new historians" Jews including Sand (2008). The State of Israel has responded to the first Intifada by the reactivation of the policy of ethnic cleansing that it led since 1948.

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