
مناهج البحث عند مفكري الإسلام بين الإبداع والإتباع؟

Fairlysoon,that was a popular belief stating that the researchmethodology conducted by the Islamic thinkers was as the same as thelogic of Aristotle. That was the common belief of many westernOrientalists and researchers , and even some of Arabic scholars But if it was established that the logic of Aristotle, had been aresponse to the scientific needs of his era ; and was generally knownthat sciences have been developed within the Islamic world, as well asthe emergence of authentic science unknown by the Greek civilizationand notably the tradition (Hadith) science.On a third side , since the nature of the subject is to dictate whatmethodology to implement , the proceedings previously referred toseem not been founded , and this what is clearly evident , through adeep study of Islam texts achieved by Muslim scholars , both in reasonsciences or transmitted heritage science

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