
معدلات الإنجاز العالمي في الرياضيات والعلوم والذكاء

The international achievement of math, sciences and intelligence: lessons for the Arab countries The study aimed to investigate the topic of international achievement of math, science and intelligence in South Asia and the lessons that can be learned for the Arab countries. To achieve this aim, the performance of math and science in the International Olympiad of Math and Science for the year 1999 and 2003 has been investigated. Additionally, the study has investigated the correlation coefficient between math, sciences and intelligence, and it showed the international and the Arab performance in IQ. A comparison and contrast between the Standard Progressive Matrices and the performance of those with high abilities has been investigated. The study introduced for the first time in the Arab world the issue of Lynn-Flynn effect and the national intelligence. Finally, some implications for further studies in the field has been reached in particular, the biological (genetics) and environmental (stimulations) measures that can be used for the increase of the national intelligence.

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