
دور تكنولوجيا المعلومات و الاتصال في تطوير مخرجات الابتكار (دراسة مقارنة بين الجزائر و تونس)‏

The purpose of this research paper is to study the role of information and communications ‎technology in improving innovation. ‎ ‎ Indeed, changes and advancements in the field of information technology have urged ‎institutions to think effectively and raised the awareness of the necessity to keep up to the most ‎modern once to presence their competitive abilities since knowledge management has became of ‎the most important among this improvements, especially when competitive benefits of ‎institutions depend fundamentally on the existing intellectuality and knowledge with information ‎investment which helps to innovate permanently.‎ ‎ In addition, the great advancement of information technology and communication has reached ‎a faster innovation process at a higher level and a better quality, thanks to help of digital means. ‎Then expected benefits from such technology are a real unexpected innovation value.‎

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