
دور الكراغلة في الجزائرأثناء الفترة العثمانية 1830-1519م

The role of Kouloughlis in Algeria during. The Kouloughlis formed one of the communities of the Algerian society during the Ottoman period (1519-1830). They appeared as a distinct community by the end of the sixteenth century, due to a union between the Turks settled in Algeria and some Algerian families. This community has gradually been formed in most Algerian cities such as Tlemcen, Mascara, Blida, Oued Zeitoun, Medea, constantine.In this study we try to determine, primarily, the degree of integration of the Kouloughlis in the Algerian society, and secondly, the type of relationship they had with the Turkish governors and other social categories. But before that we present and discuss data with regard to their number, their locations and their political and social rolein society.

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