
تقييم كفاءة الوكالات البنكية باستخدام تحليل مغلف البيانات: دراسة حالة وكالات بنك الجزائر الخارجي

This study aims to evaluate the efficiency of Algerian bank agencies. To achieve this objective, we have applied Data Envelopment Analysis model using deposits, operating costs, overhead costs as inputs, credits and operating revenues as outputs. The results indicate that, there is a difference in efficiency scores between agencies, and the inefficient agencies can performance efficiently with regard to their peers. When examining the effect of some internal and external factors on the agencies efficiency score, the study shows a negative relationship between the number of higher managers and the scores of efficiency, and a positive relationship between the branch ranking and the efficiency scores. Moreover, the results show no statistical significant effect for the economic zone, the workers and manager average experience on the efficiency scores.

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