
الهوية الجزائرية والمنظومة التربوية… رهان وجود في زمن المواطن العالمي مقاربة تحليلية .

abstract : educational globalization have produced serious changes and at the same time stressed in particular the imperative of providing real alternatives educational modern subtraction,especially in the national identity which often associated with problematic of education,citizenship and at the same time trying to cope with the current international beyond educational influential dimension in ideas of the learners, and even more serious ideas associated with educational democracy and freedom of thought and subtraction .. so we have to find educational thought that suits these alternatives and at the same time conserve the national identity , especially the « algerianity » it is a civilized educational project which may contribute to activate the development process thanks to the values of citizenship and on her head a real democracy is far from any ideological forms and not realistic in order to realize an economic and social development…

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