
النشاط التعليمي لجمعية العلماء المسلمين الجزائريين بالغرب الجزائري1931-1956نواحي تلمسان أنموذجا

Summary : This studyhighlights the educationalactivity of the Association of Algerian MuslimScholars, Tlemcen regionduring the period 1931-1956, thisactivity has occurred in the construction of schools and the allocation of teachers, throughout the country, according to educationwas a particular program, distributed in schools and mosques in abundance in the countryside of Tlemcen and shewasaffiliatedwith the Association of Algerian MuslimScholars, heembodied the spirit of reform and cultural resistance, whichwasseeking the association.

تنزيل الملف

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