
المساواة والإختلاف بين الذكورة و الأنوثة في فلسفة الوجود

Equality and Difference between Masculinity and Feminity in Ibn Rochd’s Philosophy of Existence and Philosophy of Politics. Although the woman’s theme in Ibn Rochd (Averroès) thinking did not rise up to the status of the philosophical object with its methodological and problematic plan in a straightforward and an essential way, but he incidentally tackled subjects very or not much close to the woman. Indeed, we had found basic principles in his philosophical and medical work enough to work out an integrated problematic for this subject. Abou El Walid (Averroès) confronted three opposing conceptions of the woman: a Plato-Aristotalisian philosophical conception, a medical and biological conception and an Islamic jurisprudential conception. Thus, we find the position of Averroès on « feminity » fluctuating between an egalitarian stance giving the woman all her rights when he looked at her from the point of view of existence and essence in his philosophical and political writings; and a non egalitarian stance dispossessing her these rights when he looked at her from the perspective of the practical mind in his medical and jurisprudential works. We shall limit ourselves in this article to the analysis of philosophical and ethical foundations of the egalitarian stance. We may infer that the difference between man and woman becomes a problem only when it moves from a philosophical level to the one that of culture.

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