
الفلسفة والحياة: هنري برغسون نموذجا

When observing the two words "philosophy" and "life", they will appear to us that they have the same meaning that has met unexpectedly as wholes science with philosophy, to know the relationship between them, but the real truth soft watch quite the opposite. That is to say, the experiences of the human being his various achievements, relationships with individuals, we appear this unique image which met the philosophy and life through. The latter appeared with the appearance of human beings of the first; when he wanted answer questions: who founded the concept "philosophy" and at the same time she gives him the means and the necessary conditions for the creation of the meaning of life, why I exist? How we think? What is wisdom? How we differentiate between goodness and evil? Is knowledge possible? ... Ex... So; operation of philosophical thought is an exceptional operation that carries the condition of meditation; what is meditation? It is that which shows us how bright? And we will observe the meaning of life with its contradictions. From this article we want to understand the relationship between philosophy and life and the fundamental concepts to confirm the unannounced relationship between the two concepts.

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