
الطفل و الاشهار التلفزيوني – دراسة في الإدراك و الاتجاهات-

Thisstudy seeksto identify theprocess ofreceivingan Algerian childfor televisual advertising by revealingthe exposure patterns of this specific content, perceptionand its interactionwith him,as well as thechild'stendency toadvertisingmessages thatare exposedwhile watchingtelevision. The researcherhasrelied onsurveymethodology with stratified sample and approached in the field 280 childrenofAlgiers using the questionnaireto achieve theobjectives of the research. The field studyshows that childrenare exposed totelevisual advertising between moderateand high degree. We also find that the most important reasons which make childrenwatchingadvertisingspacersthat permeatewatchingtelevision are: to know about newproducts on the market, the presence ofcelebritiesinadvertisingflashes, as well asto identify thebrands.The study alsoshowed that the televisual advertising effectson children'scategory by generatingthe desire togetdisplayed products and thatthe positive trend towards advertising on televisionismostlyin children.

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