
السياسات الثقافية العربية: أي دور؟

Arabic Cultural Policies: Which role?. The Culture in modern societies is seen as a central axe of the development programs; as the cultural dimension has become a cornerstone in any strategy of local, national or international development. It has similar importance to that of economic, social and environmental dimensions. In modern societies, the cultural and artistic life is one of the main preoccupation and duties of public’s authorities. Indeed, the authorities of different governments gave more and more importance to cultural policies of their countries, as they conceder it as efficient tool that provide the best way which permit to respond to divers resources of the society. Forms of cultural policies differ from society to society and between deferent decades within the same society, because the cultural policy is largely linked to the socio-historical context where is being developed. We have dealt with the problematic of cultural policy in this article in this frame work, with special reference to the Arabic case.

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