
الانحطاط والعدميّة عند "نيتشه

The concept of nihilism entered philosophy at the end of the eighteenth century with the debate on the idealism of "Fischte" and seemed to have kept its meaning up to "Nietzsche, who stipulates, on the contrary, that Nihilism is the product of the tradition of moral and Christian thought. According to him, the introduction of the absolute of the meaning of its postulate, not from its disintegrations, that nihilism was born. The former qualifies the generalisation of a morbid phenomenon of decay. "Nietzsche" tries, in a way, to locate and regroup the existential conditions that have prepared the irruption of nihilism that characterizes the collapse of the ideology on which decadence had built its reign. Is this term sufficiently extended even though it remains very influenced by the history of Christian Europe! Much more influenced by the history of Christian Europe, the term nihilism seems to be able to encompass that of decadence, which denotes above all its most characteristic manifestation.

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