
الإعلان في التلفزيون، دراسة في الوظائف والأساليب.

This research, which is titled: (advertising on television, study in functions and methods), one of the research belong to the science of mass communication, specialty radio and television, has dealt Find definitions advertising to reach the scientific definition accurate, and functions that can be performed television advertising, and methods display advertising material on the audience in order to influence them and push them to the conviction of the contents of the advertisements. The department search to three sections are: First and titled (defined announcement), and the second: titled (and jobs advertising and subdivisions), and third: titled (announcement TV show importance and methods), The researcher concluded that the findings and recommendations of the task, Including: The television advertising performs multiple functions not limited to the marketing function , It is an educational function, economic function, social function, and the function of entertainment, As the TV advertisement, Can be displayed in multiple ways, To ensure the desired effect to occur, including: television style influences, style drama, direct style of presentation, the technique of using the certificate, dancing and singing style, cartoon style, and style influences television Has developed some recommendations, Based on the findings of the research. Can be used by advertisers, the producers of TV commercials

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