
الأدوار التاريخية والحضارية للفرس في بلاد المغرب منذ بداية انتشار الإسلام حتى القرن الثالث الهجري

This research aims at revealing the historical and cultural roles played by the Persians in the Maghreb since the beginning of the spread of Islam in this region until the third century AH. This has necessitated an analytical approach consisting of the collection of scattered texts in the history and geography books and the books and translations of the Persian media who came to the Maghreb as soldiers working to spread Islam in the Maghreb, political advocates who established states in this region, or scientists who were reluctant to disseminate science. Based on these sources, it has been shown that a number of important historical and cultural roles played by the Persians are reflected in their jihadist role in spreading Islam in the Maghreb, in addition to their role in spreading political invitations to this region and establishing Persian states as the official state. He also highlighted the economic role played by the Persians in the Maghreb, as well as their role in the administrative field, where some of the elements of the Persian task of running the Moroccan administration. By Tracking the voyages of the Persians Scientists, the research also illustrated the Persian cultural role in the Maghreb. All these roles have resulted in important cultural outcomes, which have been reflected in economic recovery, urban prosperity and joint artistic and musical progress, as well as the fusion of Persian elements with Berber elements in a common social environment that has enriched Islamic civilization.

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