
اثر إدارة الجودة الشاملة على القدرة التنافسية للمنشآت الصناعية دراسة تطبيقية على شركات الأسمدة الأردنية

This study aims to investigate the impact of total quality management (TQM) on the competitiveness in the Jordanian fertilizer companies. To achieve the objectives of this study، a questionnaire was developed based on the relevant literature and distributed to the research population. The respondents in this study were general managers، GM assistants، department managers and supervisors of production in the Jordanian fertilizer companies. The current study used the descriptive and analytical statistical techniques to answer the research questions and hypotheses. The findings of the present study revealed that companies under investigation highlight and emphasize the overall level of the total quality management concept; however، significant variations of implementing the TQM dimensions were explored. In other words، the highest level of implementing the TQM dimensions was support and commitment of senior management، followed by the focus on a customer، followed by the concept of continuous improvement، while the lowest level of implementation of TQM dimensions was attention to workers. The study also showed a strong correlation between all dimensions of total quality management and indicators of company competitiveness including; profitability، cost of quality، market share and export capacity. Based on the findings of this study، several recommendations were introduced seeking increase the focus on all dimensions of the TQM implementation. Moreover، recommendations were developed to enhance the attention to market strategies and economic variables and also identifying the conditions of competition continuously.

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