
أثر الكلمة المنطوقة على قرار تبني المستهلك للمنتجات الجديدة دراسة ميدانية لخدمات الجيل الثالث " 3g" لمؤسسة موبيليس بولاية الاغواط

This research aims to identify the impact of spoken Word on consumer’s decision to adopt third generation services of Mobilis company of the wilaya of laghouat, as it plays a significant role in consumers’ attitudes and behaviors’ orientation towards the decision of adoption or refusal. In order to achieve the aims of this research, we have conceived a questionnaire which has been given out to a random sample made of 56 words, and studied using the statistical program SPSS so as to analyze the information relying upon the descriptive statistical method. The main results of the study revealed the existence of a statistically significant impact between the spoken word and the consumer’s decision of adopting the third generation services provided by Mobilis Company. Finally, the study recommends the necessity of attaching importance to spoken word communication as it is regarded as one of the most efficient personal means likely to have an important impact on consumers’ behavior to prompt them to adopt third generation services.

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