
نظرية الاضمحلال الداخلي وعلاقتها باستغلال مبدأ نوافذ الفرص عند إدوين غوردون

Edwin Gordon established a contemporary theory in musical aptitude, in which he talked about diminishing of this aptitude as long as we do not consider developing it in a specific period. He also pointed out the need to exploit this specific phase as a window of opportunity. The Aim of this study is to develop Gordon’s theory of musical aptitude by linking it to the principle which known as “windows of opportunity”. The study came up with und some results including; human brain works according to the principle (use it or lose it) and this principle is applied also to musical aptitude, this reinforces the need to teach children music in a specific period it becomes too late, as the development of musical aptitude and motivating the child to sing and respond to the music enhances many other skills that their “windows of opportunity” open simultaneously with the “windows of opportunity” to learning music.

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