
مقال إدارة الوقت -المعوقات والحلول-

ملخص الدراسة: تعد إدارة الوقت من المواضيع المهمة التي شغلت اهتمام الكثير من رواد الإدارة الحديثة، وذلك نظرا لارتباطها الوثيق بمختلف العمليات الإدارية الأخرى كبُعدٍ من أبعادها الرئيسية والذي لا يمكن إغفاله بأي شكل من الأشكال، خصوصا وأن نجاح المنظمة في تحقيق أهدافها مرهون بإدارتها الرشيدة للوقت. لذلك فنحن نسعى من خلال تناولنا لهذا الموضوع إلى الوقوف على مفهوم الوقت وإدارته وتوضيح أهميتها بالنسبة للعملية الإدارية ككل وكذا مراحلها، مع الإشارة إلى العوامل التي من شأنها أن تعيق العملية الإدارية للوقت وتتسبب في هدره، وتقديم جملة من الاقتراحات لتجاوز مثل هذه المعوقات. Abstract: Modern management has been interested in time management for a long time, Because it is an important element in the administrative process, It is one of the pillars of the administrative process, The good management of time is the reason for the success of the institution and the achievement of its objectives, The objective of the article to clarify the concept of time, his administration, and her stages,and the causes of wasted, And provide a work strategy to rationalize time in the institution. Abstract: Modern management has been interested in time management for a long time, Because it is an important element in the administrative process, It is one of the pillars of the administrative process, The good management of time is the reason for the success of the institution and the achievement of its objectives, The objective of the article to clarify the concept of time, his administration, and her stages,and the causes of wasted, And provide a work strategy to rationalize time in the institution. Keywords: time, management, time management. Abstract: Modern management has been interested in time management for a long time, Because it is an important element in the administrative process, It is one of the pillars of the administrative process, The good management of time is the reason for the success of the institution and the achievement of its objectives, The objective of the article to clarify the concept of time, his administration, and her stages,and the causes of wasted, And provide a work strategy to rationalize time in the institution. Keywords: time, management, time management.

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