
مساهمة أخصائي المعلومات في إرساء إدارة المعرفة بالمؤسسة الاقتصادية في الجزائر: دراسة ميدانية بالمديرية الجهوية لنقل المحروقات عبر الأنابيب ( Terminal ( بسكيكدة

The study focused on the role of information specialist in the application of knowledge management in economic institutions, in which we highlighted the case of the regional directorate of transportation through pipelines in Skikda as a case study. Our study aimed at the identification of the application of knowledge management in economic companies, and the role that could be played by information specialist in it. We adopted the descriptive analytical approach, relying on a sample of 120 selected senior executives, and by using the questionnaire as a basic instrument for collecting data. Thus, it enabled us to obtain the results that confirmed the validity of our initial assumptions. The study pushed us to deduce and conclude that the information specialist should be characterized by certain pre-requisite skills that might enable him / her to establish the knowledge management approach in economic institutions.

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