
مؤشرات أداء مؤسسة سوناطراك في الصناعة النفطية دراسة تحليلية للفترة 2000- 2015

Sonatrach faces today great challenges, since it operates in an unstable environment, which requires it to stand on its performance indicators to detect potential and competitive capacity and value, as well as its position in the market because performance is being considered as the most contributing factor to achieve the main objective that is the endurance and sustainability. In order to identify the level of Sonatrach's performance within the oil industry, this paper comes to analyze the company's performance indicators in recent years. The study concludes that the current performance of Sonatrach is accepted to a large extent, as the company has been able to improve their global market share and profitability in the industry. However, these results did not allow it to develop some of its own performance indicators of profitability and productivity efficiency.

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