
فهم المفاهيم الرياضية وعلاقته بالتحصيل مادة الرياضيات (دراسة مقارنة بين تلاميذ وتلميذات السنة رابعة متوسط)

I have tried through this study to identify the relationship between the understanding of mathematical concepts and mathematical achievement , as well as the identification of differences of nationality in the understanding of a whole, has been in the understanding of the levels of the three ( Ramsey , practical , phonetic) and in mathematical achievement and using the test to understand mathematical concepts designed by the researcher , this test is applied to a sample of students and pupils fourth year average Bmtosth Anagaz Hawari and has resulted in research on the following results: - There is a positive relationship between the overall understanding of the mathematical concepts used and mathematical achievement in males and females. - Associated with the three levels of understanding and positive correlation to the collection of various sports in males and females. - There is no difference between males and females in the overall understanding of the mathematical concepts used in the three groups is strong, medium and weak. - There is no difference between males and females in the three levels of understanding of the mathematical concepts used in the three groups. - There are no differences between males and females in mathematical achievement in the three groups . - There is a difference between males and females in the order of three levels of understanding in terms of ease and difficulty among the three groups.

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